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Mont Terri Project

Mont Terri Project

The Mont Terri Project is an international research project for the hydrogeological, geochemical and geotechnical characterisation of a clay formation (Opalinus Clay)

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25 June 2024

Tutorial for Mont Terri Logbook app

As an external collaborator coming to work in the rock laboratory, you must write a description of each task you carry out in the application created for this purpose by the Mon Terri team. This will be used to produce the Weekly Report sent to all partners. We explain how to do this in the tutorial.


25 June 2024

Civil service at the rock laboratory

It is possible to carry out a civil service commitment (for Swiss citizens) at the rock laboratory. You must have good computer skills, a category B driving licence and an interest in the earth sciences. Detailed information can be found in the specifications available for download.

25 June 2024

Electric vehicles charging points

We now have two charging points for electric vehicles. They are located at the entrance to the Visitors' Centre on the train station side and are available to visitors on request.

Mont Terri Project

Route de la Gare 63
2882 St-Ursanne